The big launch made the new app slow way down, and loading thousands of new users revealed a few bugs that we didn’t see in testing. We’re already
Welcome to TTW 2.0! Check out what’s new!
Hello friends! Kris Langham here for the TTW team. We’re so glad that you found the new app! Maybe you had the old TTW app, or maybe you just found
Think! Using SOAP, plus tips for a great Bible journal.
Before you begin, I need you to put down that bar of Dove. I know, I did say that you were going to use SOAP, but you won’t need soap. Confused?
Journey, Book, or Topic? Choosing a TTW Guide (aka Reading Plan)
There are more than eight million web pages about Bible reading plans. Eight million. But how many of us have started strong through one of those
My First (and almost entirely pointless) Blogpost!
Welcome to my blog! Okay, so there's really not much to see yet. In fact, I'm not really going to write anything interesting yet.