If you listen to TTW, our Statement of Faith is here to let you know where we’re coming from. If you are going to let us guide you through the Bible, you probably want to know just what we believe about it. To put it very briefly, we believe what the Bible says about itself:
“All Scripture is breathed out by God, and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (2nd Timothy 3:16).
In other words, we believe that the Bible is God’s own word, that it is true, and that it is powerful. All of our doctrinal beliefs start there — in the Bible itself.
Below you will find a short summary of our beliefs on some key doctrines of the Christian faith. But don’t take our word for it — read God’s Word for yourself! That’s what TTW is all about. We teach and explain the Word, but we want you to check it out on your own. That being said, here is our brief Statement of Faith:
- We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative, inerrant Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16, 2 Pet. 1:21).
- We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Gen 1:1, Matt 28:19, John 10:30).
- We believe in the deity of Christ (John 10:33); His virgin birth (Isa. 7:14, Matt 1:23, Luke 1:35); His sinless life (Heb. 4:15, 7:26); His miracles (John 2:11); His vicarious and atoning death (1 Cor. 15:3, Eph. 1:7, Heb. 2:9); His resurrection (John 11:25, I Cor. 15:4); His ascension to the right hand of the Father (Mark 16:19); His personal return in power and glory (Acts 1:11, Revelation 19:11).
- We believe in the absolute necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit for salvation because of the exceeding sinfulness of humanity; and that all are justified only by faith in the shed blood of Christ and that only by God’s grace, through faith alone, we are saved (John 3:16-19, 5:24, Rom. 3:23, 5:8-9, Eph. 2:8-10, Titus 3:5).
- We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation (John 5:28-29).
- We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:9, 1 Cor. 12:12-13, Gal 3:26-28).
- We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly Life (Rom. 8:13-14, I Cor. 3:16; 6:19-20, Eph. 4:30, 5:15).
What if you don’t believe what we believe? If you don’t agree with us — that’s okay! You can still study with us through the Bible. Whether you disagree with us on a couple doctrines or on almost everything we say, we can still help you read and understand what the Bible says.
Hey — if God respects you enough to let you choose your own beliefs, then so do we. That doesn’t make you right and it doesn’t make us right; it just means we should respect each other. Whatever you believe, we are thoroughly convinced that God loves you, and for that reason, we love you too.