Hey there TTW! There’s a brand new update for the TTW app available in the App Store as of today (January 15). No major changes, but we fixed a couple minor bugs that were affecting some users, including an issue with the Bible Audio player not working for some (or forcing you to close then reopen the page before playing it). The app should also be a little more stable to reduce crashing. Our programmer Zach told me – if you’re still having issues after getting the new update, try logging out then logging back in again on the app so that it will reload your data.
As always, please contact us at [email protected] to report any issues or challenges. We are always working to improve the app. In the app world, there are so many different devices that it’s nearly impossible to test every feature on every phone, so we rely on you to let us know when there is an issue. Thanks so much to those of you who keep us informed! And thanks for your patience as we keep on improving!
And while you’re in the App Store – why not give TTW a review! (Of course, if you don’t like TTW, remember that you spell the app “C-A-N-D-Y C-R-U-S-H”). Just kidding. But seriously, if you have troubles – please email us before reporting an issue on a review. We appreciate the opportunity to make it right before telling the world. Thanks!
In Christ,
Pastor Kris
To get the updates:
1. Open the App Store on your device.
Apple App Store Link
Google Play Store Link
2. Tap update!
Anonymous says
Hello! Sorry for the frustration. Something you can try is selecting a preferred version on the app. It looks like not having a selected version chosen is causing some issues on some phones. To do this you can tap the 3 lines in the upper right hand corner, then tap "My Account and Log Out" then choose a preferred version and then tap save. Please email us at [email protected] and let us know if this works.
Anonymous says
Hello! Yes, your progress should automatically sync to your different devices. If they are not matching up, you can log out and back in to your account from your device and it should match up. Please email us at [email protected] if we can be of any further assistance.
Anonymous says
That is helpful, thank you for letting us know! You can try and select a "preferred version" by tapping the 3 lines on the upper right, then selecting "My Account and Log out" then selecting a preferred version and save. This may help this issue, if not, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected]. Thank you so much for your comment!
Anonymous says
Sorry about that. Please email us at [email protected] with what kind of device you are using and a screen shot if you can. Thank you for letting us know!
Anonymous says
Hello! It is on its way! Please let us know if you don't receive it within the next few days:)
Unknown says
Hi TTW .
I donated sometime in December, believe, when you announced that popsockets were available. It's now the end January and my wife is still waiting for one. Any idea as to when it will be shipped?
I know your busy and these things can take some time.
Cheers and keep up the good work, love listening to the audio guide.
Rose kitty says
I can't get the "Guide" or "Bible" at the bottom of the page when going to today.
Clara says
I've been having the bible playback issue too. I've been reselecting the bible version, which resets the day, and then bible audio will play when I select it. This has been continuing after the update, if that's helpful 🙂
Mureithi says
Hello You are doing good work. I use 2 devices at different times. Is it possible to synchronize "mark today complete" in different devices?
Anonymous says
Sorry about that. You can try and select a preferred version, which can be found under "My Account and Log out" in the 3 line menu on the upper right hand corner. Once you select a version, tap "save" and see if that helps.
Anonymous says
Hello! You can email us anytime you have any questions at throughtheword.org!
AnnH says
The app has not been working correctly since the update. I have tried every day. I have a Samsung Galaxy 8. My son's Android phone has not experienced the same issues. I am looking forward to getting back to my studies. Thank you
Anonymous says
It is not available for Kindle right now:( We have also tried to use throughtheword.org on the Kindle web browser to use the mobile site, but the Kindle controls generally cover the buttons needed to listen to the audio guide. If this is the case your your Kindle, you can try going to our old site, which is available in the menu on our current site. There, you should be able to listen to the studies, but not subscribe to journeys or log in and save your info.
Anonymous says
Sorry about that. Please email us at [email protected] with what is happening and we will try and get this worked out.
Anonymous says
Sorry about that. Please email us at [email protected] and we will try and figure out what is going on.
Anonymous says
Yes there is! If you tap on "find plans" then under "journeys" select "books" and "all books" then scroll down until you get to Philippians. Thank you for bringing to our attention that Philippians is missing from the drop down menu.
Anonymous says
Sorry about that. You can email us at [email protected] to get more app help. For now, you can try and tap on the 3 lines on the upper right hand corner of the app. Then select "my account and log out" then go down to preferred version, select which version you want and then tap save. Please let us know if this works.
Anonymous says
Sorry about that. You can email us at [email protected] to get more app help. For now, you can try and tap on the 3 lines on the upper right hand corner of the app. Then select "my account and log out" then go down to preferred version, select which version you want and then tap save. Please let us know if this works.
Ann says
Can this app be loaded onto a Kindle?
Unknown says
Don't understand it fully as yet but am getting there
Unknown says
There are still a few issues with playing the bible scripture sometimes it just won't play even if you restart. It is weird because if I cannot get it to play on my phone it will play on my husbands phone and we both have a SamsungJ3
AnnH says
The app has not been working correctly since the update. I am using a Samsung Galaxy 8. I love this app. I am looking forward to it working again. Thank you.
Anonymous says
Hello! You can email us at [email protected] and we can assist you with how to share:)
Unknown says
Have been using app for over a year. Just became unusable.
John says
Since the update last night, nothing in the program works. I click the links and nothing happens. I can't even click on the menu and logoff. I am using a Droid Moto 2Max. I had no problems before the update. I love this app and don't want to get behind in my studies so please hurry with fixes.
John says
The app doesn't work after the update yesterday. I can click on the links and nothing happens. I use a Droid Maxx 2. It worked fine for me until the update. Please expedite a fix. I love this app and don't want to fall behind in my studies
Unknown says
Is there a study plan for Philippians? Can't find it.
Unknown says
Thanks for the new app and thanks for Bible Study. I just started the journey with Psalm 1. The only thing though, I couldn't figure out how to share.