Hello, Through the Word Family! Hope you are all healthy and going strong with your resolutions! And if your kids aren’t back in school after the break, here’s to them heading back soon!
New Year, New Habits!
As we start the New Year, we wanted to feature a few essential habits that will help you grow in your relationship with God. But as a Bible-based app, we are going to start with reading the Bible. Because where else would we start?
Reading the Bible is such a crucial part of growing in your relationship with God. It is God’s own words to us. It is the primary way He reveals Himself to us. It reveals to us His nature, His love for us, and His plan for us. Throughout the Bible, we see the truth that He wants us to read, memorize, and meditate on the scriptures.
We all make sure we eat food daily (unless we are fasting, but that is a different discussion!), but how easy is it to find ourselves missing out on feeding ourselves spiritually? Let’s make sure we take the time to get into the scripture daily to learn what God wants for our lives.
But how do we read the Bible in a way that helps us grow in our relationship with God? There are definitely a number of different ways to start a Bible habit! We recommend taking your time going through the Bible. We really don’t want you to suffer from Lost-in-Leviticus syndrome by trying to read four chapters a day in your Bible-in-a-Year plan.
The key to reading through the Bible is setting a reasonable pace. I recommend a chapter a day to start, and if you have time to read more, you can always increase your reading, adding a chapter at a time—if you want to. And, of course, I humbly suggest you use Through the Word to fully understand the passages you are reading. I don’t really think anyone will be surprised by that suggestion!
Through the Word has just launched a New Testament in a Year Plan. If you are looking for a great plan to start off your New Year, this is the plan for you! We will walk you through all 27 books of the New Testament (with one day off each week to help you catch up or focus on the passage from your church’s sermon). Check it out in our app or on the Bible App from YouVersion!
Here’s to a successful Bible habit this year!