Hello, Through the Word Family! Thank you for praying for us over the last week as the TTW team gathered together for a time of praise, prayer, and planning! And your prayers were heard! Over the week, we were able to plan out the direction TTW would be heading over the next year. We have some exciting new content we will be creating, translation projects starting, updates to the app, and so much more.
Honestly, I felt like The Avengers, assembling together to conquer the evils of Bible illiteracy and false teaching. But, alas, not everyone felt that way–the nerds on the team discovered that there were some who didn’t really get all the Marvel/DC/Star Wars illustrations…please continue to pray for us. 🙂
Now for a Big Announcement…
We are so excited to let you know that our team has been very busy over the last few months–finishing out Audio Guides for the entirety of the New Testament! Now, you might ask, didn’t you already have Audio Guides? Yes, but many of those were borrowed from other pastors’ sermons. So Kris, Peyton, and myself have been busy studying, writing, and recording original TTW content for John, 1 Corinthians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1& 2 Timothy, Hebrews, and 1, 2, & 3 John. We aren’t removing the messages from Sandy and Skip, but we are adding our own original content!

So what does that mean? We will be releasing new content weekly on both the TTW App and on the Bible App from YouVersion–for the rest of the year! And it all starts next week, November 14th, with Pastor Kris’ Audio Guides through the Letters of John.
As the plans are released, you can find them on our app or at throughtheword.org/plans, where you can listen to our plans online and find links to all of our plans on the Bible App from YouVersion.
We’ll keep you posted here, as well as on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter with all of our updates. Be sure to follow us on social media to stay informed!
We want to thank our donors and supporters for making these possible. We can’t wait to share these remaining New Testament Audio Guides with you!
God Bless!