Hello TTW Family! Hope you are experiencing the Peace of Christ this Christmas season (especially those of you battling the checkout lines at Costco)!
Ready to Start a New Journey?
The New Year is a great time to start a new Bible habit. And it’s a great time to invite your friends to join you in studying God’s word! Invite them now to check out some of the Audio Guides you are listening to, right from the app.
On the playlist for your plan, swipe right on the Audio Guide you want to share, and the share icon will pop up. Every Guide is fully sharable, so feel free to send them on any messaging platform you use.

Then invite them to join you on January 1st for a journey through the entire Bible!
TTW Coffee Mugs Have Arrived!
Exciting news – we have our cool coffee mugs and are busy packing and shipping mugs this week.
Every donor from Thanksgiving to New Year’s gets a free TTW coffee mug!
Simply donate between today and the end of the year and fill out the form below to get your mug. We will begin shipping mugs on December 10th, so be sure to get your orders in by December 13th for delivery before Christmas. (We cannot guarantee delivery overseas delivery before Christmas. Sorry!)
- Step 1: Donate at throughtheword.org/giving
- Step 2: Order your mug at https://ttw.churchcenter.com/people/forms/321732
TTW is 100% listener-supported, and this year every $100 donated is directly linked to 42,000 minutes of Bible engagement around the world. (That’s 7 hours for every dollar!)
Ministry Update: The best of 2021 stats & stories
It’s been a crazy year, so it’s time for some great news. Kris recorded the video below to tell you about it…
Peace to You,
Pastor Jonathan
*Mugs have no resale value and are given freely as a thank you gift for your support of TTW this year.
**Note for donors outside the USA: Due to dramatic increases in shipping costs in 2021, it now costs TTW an extra $15 to $25 to mail mugs outside the US. Please consider this cost when donating – thanks!