Hello, TTW Family!
Dive into the profound journey of Holy Week with our 8-day plan, spanning from Palm Sunday (March 24) to Easter Sunday (March 31). As we follow the final days of Jesus’ life on earth, Kris Langham offers insights and background to bring this pivotal story to life.
Better Together!
This daily audio series is not just a personal journey; it’s an invitation to explore and discuss with friends. Now is the perfect time to share Through the Word! Find the Holy Week plan, click “Start Together” and share the invite link. Access daily discussion questions for your group and engage in meaningful conversations together.
Holy Week Discussion Guide
Day 1: Palm Sunday
Matthew 21:1-11 & Luke 19:37-44 | Listen to the Audio Guide
1. On Palm Sunday, Jesus makes a royal entrance into Jerusalem as the King (Matthew 21:5). What does it mean to you that Jesus is a King?
2. Jesus often talked about the Kingdom — in parables and proclamations that “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” What do you think that means, and why is it so important to Jesus’ message?
3. In Matthew 21:9, the crowds cried out, “Hosanna,” a shout of praise that means “Save now!” How does that fit the occasion, and what does Hosanna mean to you?
Further study… For the prophecies about Palm Sunday, read Psalm 118, Zechariah 9:9, and Daniel 9:20-27.
Day 2: Monday
Mark 11:12-26 | Listen to the Audio Guide
1. Jesus turned over tables because a scam was being operated in the temple courts. Why do you think religion and scams are so often related? How can we be careful?
2. How do you think Jesus would respond to what he saw if he walked into your church this Sunday?
3. Jesus said that His Father’s house should be a house of prayer for all nations. How does that apply to Christians and churches today?
Day 3: Tuesday
Luke 20 | Listen to the Audio Guide
1. When the priests ask Jesus to prove his authority, he responds by asking about John the Baptist. Why does Jesus point to John? What does the priests’ answer tell you about them?
2. In verse 17, Jesus challenges the priests with this Old Testament quote, “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” What do you think it means, and why is it important here?
3. Later in verse 25, Jesus is asked about paying taxes. He asks about the image on the tax coin, which is Caesar’s. Then Jesus tells them to “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” What do you think He means to give to God? (Hint: Where is God’s image?)
Day 4: Wednesday
Mark 14:12-26 & Luke 22:20-38 | Listen to the Audio Guide
1. Blood is one of the most important symbols in the Bible — symbolizing life. In Mark 14:24, why do you think that Jesus called the wine, “my blood of the covenant”?
2. When Jesus says that his flesh is real food and his blood is real drink (John 6:55), what do you think Jesus means by the word real?
3. What does the word covenant mean to you, and why is it so important here?
For deeper thought… Discuss how the Passover story relates to Jesus’ story, and what it would mean to the disciples as Jesus’ last meal.
Day 5: Thursday
John 13:1-17 & 14:1-14 | Listen to the Audio Guide
1. In verses 3-4, John reminds us that Jesus knew that all things were under his power — just as he got up from the table to wash feet. Why is it important that those two facts go together?
2. Foot-washing is not common practice in modern culture (largely due to the glorious advent of socks). As a result, trying to wash your friend’s feet is more awkward than helpful. What are more practical ways to show love by serving today?
3. In verse 34, Jesus calls out a new command, but “love your neighbor as yourself” was an old command. How is this one new, and why is it so important?
Day 6: Friday
Mark 15 | Listen to the Audio Guide
1. Why do you think Jesus is so quiet during the trials? Why does he only answer questions about who he is?
2. Why do you think the guards put a robe and crown of thorns on Jesus in verse 14? What is significant about the mockery of Jesus as king?
3. Verse 43 tells us one interesting detail about Joseph of Arimathea, who buried Jesus in his own tomb. Joseph “was himself waiting for the kingdom of God.” What do you think that means, and why is it important about Joseph?
Day 7: Saturday
1 Corinthians 15 | Listen to the Audio Guide
1. Put yourself in the disciples’ place on Saturday. What do you think their conversations were like after Jesus’ death?
2. In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul explains that the Christian faith is pitiful without the resurrection (verses 17-19). Why is the resurrection of Jesus so crucial?
3. Verse 58 reminds you to stand firm because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. Why is the resurrection crucial to your confidence to stand firm?
Day 8: Easter Sunday
John 20 | Listen to the Audio Guide
1. Consider the conversation between the two disciples as they left for Emmaus. How do you think they reacted to the news from some of the women that the tomb was empty?
2. The resurrection of Jesus is considered by many to be the critical truth of the Christian faith. Why do think this one event is so crucial?
3. In Luke 24:25, why do you think Jesus calls the two disciples foolish and slow of heart to believe? Have you ever been slow to believe what God was telling you?
4. In Luke 24:46-47, Jesus gives the disciples a concise explanation of the whole story — from death to resurrection to salvation. To make sure you understand it, read it, then rewrite it in your own words. Then share and compare.
For deeper thought… What stories from the Old Testament do you think Jesus explained to the disciples on the road?
What’s next?
If you’re not already in a Bible plan, here’s a few to consider: