Welcome Through the Word Family, especially those still adjusting to new school schedules!
People are seriously buzzing about two long-awaited (and very expensive!) fantasy prequels series out these last few weeks. Millions tuned in for House of the Dragon last week, and more are expected to tune in for Amazon’s The Rings of Power. At one point, over 30 percent of Americans considered themselves at least casual fans of the “Game of Thrones” series. A staggering 19.3 million people watched the series finale. And the Lord of the Rings franchise is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential film series ever made.
These mega-hit fictional worlds both share a significant theme: Everybody wants to rule. This is also the theme of our Journeys through 1 & 2 Kings. In these plans, Pastor Peyton walks people through each chapter in a clear and concise audio guide that takes less than 10-minutes a day.
When God offered King Solomon anything he desired, he doesn’t ask for riches or fame. Instead, he asks…for wisdom. We may not all be kings or queens, but we all have our own realm to rule, and Solomon’s reign provides a powerful lesson on how to (and how not to) rule rightly.
Check out our 1 & 2 Kings plans on the Through the Word app or on the Bible App from YouVersion. The plans start with “1 Kings Explained Part 1 | Everybody Wants to Rule.”

God Bless!
Pastor Jonathan