Hello and Merry Christmas to all of our TTW Family, especially those of you still trying to figure out how to get out of a couple of those Christmas parties you already committed to!

Donor Match Continues This Week!
Thanks to our generous donors, we are able to extend donor matching this week, so that your gift can help reach more listeners. Every $25 donated now provides 21,000 minutes of bible engagement around the world. Help us reach the world for the gospel today at www.throughtheword.org/giving!
TTW Coffee Mugs!
While Monday was the last day we could guarantee mug shipments before Christmas, we will continue to accept mug orders through January 1. We will do our best to get orders placed before Thursday, Dec 16th shipped this week, but we cannot guarantee pre-Christmas delivery. Orders placed after Thursday will be shipped the first week of January.
Simply donate between today and the end of the year and fill out the form below to get your mug.
- Step 1: Donate at throughtheword.org/giving
- Step 2: Order your mug at https://ttw.churchcenter.com/people/forms/321732
God Bless!